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Ho Pui Shan (Sarah)

Resource Team member (2017)

Major: Gerontology

Year of Study: 2

College: New Asia College


Hi all. My name is Sarah and I'm studying gerontology. I enjoy interacting with the senior citizens during the outreach service as it provides me with a valuable opportunity to provide them with health advice such as how to safely store the medicines and promote a healthy diet.


Apart from education, I enjoy hearing their stories. The conversations can be about life and experiences. Importantly, I can learn about patience and rediscover the meaning of the communication, no matter how long they take to speak.

Mission Statement​

No doubt, I am glad to be part of this core team and promote all up-coming CU CHAMPION events in 2017. I love working with people from diverse backgrounds such as students in different majors, senior citizens, secondary school students and other professionals. In fact, I believe that teamwork will consider different points of view on best practice which can contribute to our participants and the community. As a result, medication safety and healthy lifestyle can be promoted.

Hobbies and Interests

Hiking, playing the flute and watching movies

Other Experience

Welfare Secretary of 2016 Gerontology Society, CUSU

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