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Kung Hiu Ying (Jenny)

Internal Team member (2017)

Major: Nursing

Year of Study: 4

College: Shaw College


Hello! I am Kung Hiu Ying from nursing year 4. The reason that I joined core team is that I hope to use my personal knowledge to provide healthcare and related education to the needy in the society.

Mission Statement​

As a nursing student, I have a better understanding on the needs of the patients because we are the front line to provide care to them. As a result, I can apply the leaning materials in the lesson such as health promotion on self monitoring and dietary modification for the Diabetes.


Therefore, our target group can have a better quality of life and enjoy a healthier life. Also, I hope to appeal to other CU students to join our meaningful events. As we own the resources and knowledge, we should share to others and repay the society.


For the coming year, I will try my best to achieve my mission and encourage more people to join our CU champion.

Hobbies and Interests 

Drama, Dancing

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