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CU CHAMPION 2019 comprises a series of community outreach and medication safety promotion activities held between October 2018 and September 2019. Core Teams 2018 and 2019 are both responsible for Year 2019.
This year, CU CHAMPION will launch a number of new community services and educational activities. We will continue to promote disease prevention, community health and medication safety to the public, especially to primary and secondary school students and the elderly!
Core Team
Core Team 2019 composes of 22 students from different disciplines under the Faculty of Medicine. All Team members are responsible for the organization and coordination of CU CHAMPION projects as leaders. We will carry out our functional duties as Internal, External, Resource, and Research member, and work in 7 Project Teams and 5 District Teams to organize a wide range of service activities.
5 District Teams
District outreach services
SSP Team
NT East District Team
NT West District Team
Kowloon District Team
HK Island District Team
Organize all community health workshops & training
Recruit Team
CHAMPION Workshops Team
Champ Workshops Team
Partners' Services Team
Media Team
Fall & Winter Team
7 Project Teams
Coordinate internal affairs & meetings
Recruit student volunteers
CU CHAMPION Website maintenance
Prepare volunteer roster & service activities
Liaison with university departments & NGOs
Coordinate all external affairs
Promotion & Design
Administration of CU CHAMPION social media
Manage team resources
Organize the health education materials
Evaluate the outreach services
Monitor the e-learning progress & database of volunteers
Analyze research data of outreach services
Provide follow-up education & consultation
Formulate new research topics & service activities