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Comprehensive Health Advocacy and Mentorship Programme


Comprehensive Health Advocacy and Mentorship Program (Champ) aims at providing an opportunity for a group of students, who would like to pursue Faculty of Medicine programs as their tertiary education, to learn about the healthcare issues and challenges under aging population in the society through CU CHAMPION outreach services.


Meanwhile, they receive training of medication safety and basic disease management which equip them to provide instant support and care for elders in family.



Local F.3 - F.6 students

Participate in 5 training workshops during March to June

Participate in CU CHAMPION Summer Outreach Service during July to August

Champ Mentee Training:

5 Champ Training Workshops will be offered to all Champ Mentees on CUHK Campus from March to June.

Champ Mentees will access CU CHAMPION 2019 online learning platform via KEEP, which will equip them with knowledge of elderly health and medication safety from different perspectives.

Service Projects
Champ Summer Outreach

Summer Outreach Service:

After a series of training, Champ Mentees will join the CU CHAMPION 2019 Summer Outreach Service with their Champ Mentor to conduct health check and promote health education to elders in the community.


Champ Mentors

Champ Mentors, a group of CUHK student volunteers, will act as the mentor and leader of the Champ Mentees (secondary school student volunteers) in various CU CHAMPION service projects:

  • To learn about the medical challenges of this aging city together

  • To delivery health knowledge to the elderly in our community together

  • To nurture the next generation with your university experiences as a medical student in CUHK

Champ Mentors
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