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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to write more. Tell a story about yourself.

CHAMPIONs are all the CUHK volunteers who participate in any of CU CHAMPION outreach services in 2017.
CU CHAMPION will launch a series of community healthcare outreach services over different districts in Hong Kong this summer, ranging from health check to health education workshops.
CHAMPIONs will conduct health assessments and provide medication safety knowledge as well as health education to the elderly during outreach services.
Join us to leverage the knowledge acquired on campus, to bring joy and care to the needy, to collaborate a group of passionate peers!!

CUHK undergraduates & postgraduates from...

Participate in at least 2 Summer Outreach Sessions
Participate in at least 1 Training Workshop

Champ Mentors
Are you interested to interact with secondary school students?
Comprehensive Health Advocacy and Mentorship Programme (Champ) invites CHAMPIONs to be Champ Mentors!
Champ Mentors serves as seniors and leaders of the Champ Mentees during the Summer Outreach and share your experiences in university life.
Mentors are required to attend 3 sessions of Champ Workshop with Mentees and participate in outreach services together:
13th May (Saturday) (10AM – 4:30PM)
20th May (Saturday) (10AM – 12:30PM)
24th June (Saturday) (10AM – 4:30PM)
Volunteer Training:
To ensure that Summer Outreach runs smoothly and efficiently, volunteers are required to participate in workshops organized by CU CHAMPION. In each workshop, we will introduce logistics and points to remark, teach elderly service skills and medication safety knowledge, and conduct case discussions.
Teachers from various Departments will design online learning materials and publish them on the e-Learning Platform. Student volunteers can access these e-learning modules via Blackboard.

CHAMPION volunteers must attend one of the following CHAMPION Workshop sessions:*
20th May (Saturday) (2PM – 4:30PM); OR
17th June (Saturday) (10AM – 12:30PM); OR
17th June (Saturday) (2PM – 4:30PM)
*All workshops will take place in the CUHK campus.