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Comprehensive Health Advocacy and Mentorship Programme


Comprehensive Health Advocacy and Mentorship Program (Champ) will be held for the third year.

The objective of the program is to provide high school students, especially those who are interested in joining medical school, an opportunity to understand community health problems encountered by senior citizens. High school participants will be trained with the basics of medication safety and disease management, so that they can provide first-line healthcare support to their families, and eventually to the community.


Local F.3 - F.6 students

Participate in 5 training workshops during March to June

Participate in CU CHAMPION Summer Outreach Service during July to August

Champ Mentee Training:

5 Champ Training Workshops will be offered to all Champ Mentees on CUHK Campus from March to June.

Champ Mentees will access CU CATALYST 2018 online learning platform via KEEP and learn more about health conditions of the elderly and medication safety.

Service Projects
Champ Summer Outreach

Summer Outreach Service:

After a series of training, Champ Mentees will join the CU CHAMPION 2018 Summer Outreach Service with their Champ Mentor (CUHK Student Volunteers) to perform health check and provide health education to the elderly.


 Learn about basic geriatric care            Increase appreciation for elderly            Improve communication skills

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